Now check again if you see green bars rising when you talk into the microphone: if you do, your mic is now properly configured. Drag the slider all the way to the right, until the number ‘100’ is displayed beside it. I understand that if I choose not to receive these additional notifications, I will still receive important information about my McGraw-Hill Account. Double-click on the device and in the window that opens up click on the “Levels” tab. Id like to receive information about other McGraw-Hill products, services, and promotions that relate to my course. Click on the relevant device to highlight it, and then click on “Set Default”.
If that doesn’t work or you’re not sure which device is your microphone, perform the instructions for all the devices one by one. Perform the next instructions for that one. See if you can recognize which one of the devices in the list is your microphone.
If you didn’t see any green bars while you spoke into the mic, keep following the instructions. If you have seen green bars rising while you spoke that means your microphone is properly configured. Try speaking into your microphone, and look for green bars rising while you talk (see screenshot). Now you will see a list of recording devices. Since VoiceThread uses HTML5, checking browser and computer audio settings is a great place to start. Under “Sound” click on “Manage Audio Devices”. Any microphone or camera should work in VoiceThread, but there are some things that might result in audio or video recording difficulties. Click on the Windows symbol in the bottom-left of the screen (square number 1 in the image below), and then click on control panel (square number 2 in the image below).
Follow the below steps to resolve this issue: