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Emily wants to play wiki

She is the second female doll after Kiki.Her eyes were removed before the fire, although her model makes it look like she has completely black eyes in some cases. Greta resembles a baby doll, although with several black markings on her due to suffering fire damage. If she catches the player, she will immediately jumpscare them.

emily wants to play wiki

If the player makes any loud noises, such as sprinting or interacting with doors, she will hear the player and run in the direction of the noise. Since Greta's eyes have been removed, she cannot see, making her rely on noises to locate the player. She will continually cry out "mama" while searching for the player. Greta is first encountered in the Level 1 area at 8 PM. Which combined into the phase "How Dare You?" Each of these undamaged markings resemble English alphabets. Upon further scrutinizing, it is observed that there are several spots on Greta's back that were untouched by the fire. She was taken and stored, and the analysis shows that she was made of a flame-retardant material and that her eyes were removed before the fire occurred. Greta was the only object that wasn't destroyed by the fire. One day the entire house burned down with all the residents inside due to a faulty electrical circuit igniting highly flammable polypropylene clothing, which is the much more flammable choice of material than environmental friendly material clothing, starting the fire. Before the game, Greta Von Thunberg was the doll of a little girl living at 781 Hillpark Drive with her parents.

Emily wants to play wiki